Thursday, July 31, 2008

Update on the kids

So I decided to take Beth's idea and start posting a blog about the kids instead of e-mailing constantly. I will try and update every few weeks, but bear with me. I also still have to figure out how to post pictures on here. Anyways, enough about this.

Regan is doing really well with the whole potty training. He still refuses to go number 2 on the potty unless he really has to. He will usually hold it in until night time when he has a diaper on. I don;t understand that but I guess that is what he likes.

Bridgette is also doing really well. She is finally getting closer to where she should be for weight wise. She gained 10 oz in 4 days so I would say that is pretty good. She is now eating oatmeal and the docotr gave the okay to start baby food, but I think I may wait until she turns 5 mos old which is only about a week away.

I guess that is all for now, I will try and figure out how to post pictures soon! Oh wait I think I figured it out. Hope you enjoy them!