Thursday, November 13, 2008

42 days til x-mas

I realized yesterday that Christmas is only 42 days away, which seems like a long time. I then realized that I only have 2 weekends to get all of my shopping done. I don't know how I am going to get it all done especially since Sean doesn't do any of it and this is his busy time so I have to take the kids with me. How is Santa supposed to get toys if Regan is with me? I guess I will just have to take my brother with me so that he can occupy him while I shop. I am really missing shopping weekend this year. This time last year, I had all of Regan's shopping done.

My other dilemma is that I have no idea what to get either of my kids. Everythign Regan wanted he got for his birthday. He doesn't really need anything either. Bridgette is just at a tough age. She needs clothes but she needs them now, so I am buying those now. She doesn't really need any toys.

I guess I better stop talking about it and start shopping. Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

can you do some of the shopping while Regan is at school? Bridgette is young enough that she won't tell!